The harsh sunlight burned into the retinas and I moaned at the pain that shot through my head. Taking a deep breath, I did an internal inventory. No need to go to the bathroom, my legs hurt a little but the major issue was a pounding headache. It was the red wine from the previous night’s BBQ. It was self-inflicted so there was no point in whining about it. I gently sat up and slid out of the bed. In the bathroom cabinet, I found a bottle of Tylenol and I popped two, washing them down with water from the tap. I looked at my face in the mirror. Bloodshot eyes, unruly hair and a big grin. I turned around and looked at my bed companions.

Vanessa lay on her back, tall, and stately with dark brown hair. Her heart-shaped face was at peace and her chest heaved making her boobs move up and down. Her nipples stood out and I had an urge to suckle them. On the other side of the bed lay Clara, eighteen, sweet, firm, and my girlfriend. She had the same dark brown hair as her mother but that’s where the similarities ended. Clara was a petite girl with a stunningly well-balanced body with a firm round ass and C-cup breasts that sat high on her chest. They were a bit too big for her body, but who was I to complain. She lay on her stomach, with her legs slightly apart. I could see the curve of her pussy. Both women were shaved.

I went over to the bed and lay down between them. They didn’t stir which wasn’t strange. They had had as much wine as I the previous night. I put my right palm on Vanessa‘s mound and my left on Clara’s ass. After sliding my finger back and forth a little, Vanessa moaned and moved one leg to the side. My finger slid into the warmth of her pussy and I began to finger-fuck her.

My left hand’s middle finger reached Clara’s pussy and after a few minutes, she did the same. I lay there finger fucking mother and daughter while the Tylenol did its work on my head. I thought back to how I had ended up where I was.

A few days earlier


"Matt, if you continue to do that I will come very soon," Clara said in a weak voice.

I lay between her legs licking her pussy. My face was wet from her juices but I didn’t mind. I loved licking her and did it as often as I could. What I really wanted was to fuck her but she wouldn’t let me. She wanted to be a virgin until she got married. I thought it was bullshit, but what could I do? I loved her and I respected her wishes.

We lived in a small town where everyone knew what everyone did and it was easy for a girl to get a bad rep. Amy Johnson was stamped a slut after giving Jim Everson a blowjob in his car. Someone had seen them and that was it. Clara let me lick her and finger fuck her to my heart’s content and she would either jerk me off or blow my cock. I guess it was alright as long as I got to squirt.

"Oh god, yes, yes, here it comes!"

Her thighs squeezed my head as she arched her body and thrust her pussy against my face before relaxing with her arms outstretched.

I kissed my way up her flat stomach, over the belly-button stud, and towards her boobs, which I kissed in turn. Our lips met and after making out for a while we lay in each other’s arms cuddling.

"Baby, is your mom making hamburgers?" I think I can smell them.

She sniffed the air. "Yeah, you are right, she is."

"God, I love your mom; she is the best." I got out of bed and washed the pussy juice off my face. Then I waited while Clara took a quick shower before we walked hand in hand down the stairs.



I heard them come down the stairs, giggling and laughing like young lovers do. When they came into the kitchen, I saw the pink on my daughter's cheeks and I knew what they had been up to. I had no problem with Clara being sexually active with Matt. He was a good kid, a bit bookish maybe, but overall a nice young man. I knew for a fact that Clara was still a virgin which I was at that age. I got my first cock in me when I was eighteen and never looked back. Now, at forty-seven, I looked at the teens and young boys and girls walking around staring at their phones never lifting their heads to see the world around them.

In my time, you went out, you talked, danced, and got to know people. These days, life happened online. I thought it was fucked up, but there wasn’t much I could do about it.

"Hey, guys, are you hungry?"

Matt pointed at the hamburgers in the frying pan. "Feed me."

I laughed and began to serve them. We sat down and ate in silence. When we were done, I asked them what they were up to.

"We are going to the mall," said Clara.

"Cool, have fun and I’ll see you later."

"Thanks for the food, Vanessa; it was amazing as usual."

"You are welcome, Matt."

When they were gone, I did the dishes and then went to my bedroom where I lay down on the bed. I turned my head and smiled at the photo of my dead husband and Clara’s dad. He has passed away in a car accident three years earlier and I still missed him. I had dated a couple of guys from town but they were not for me. These simple town folks had two things on their minds: hunting and Saturday night football. I liked neither.

Growing up in a large metro area, I was a big-city girl shopping, coffee with my girlfriends, later dinner and clubs. Moving to the countryside had been my husband’s idea. He had been offered a good job in the local high school as the principal and the thought of raising our daughter away from the city sounded good. But god, did I miss the shopping, the theatre, museums and everything that came with it.

I opened the drawer to the bedside table and looked inside. There were two vibrators and an anal plug. That was my sad sex life. I sighed and took out the larger vibrator, a cock-formed twelve-inch monster. Then I grabbed the butt plug; what the heck, I thought. I might well enjoy myself while I can.

On all fours, I took the anal plug and spread some lube on it. Then I gently pressed it inside myself. My anus stretched and I gasped as the shots of pain filled my horny body. It took a few minutes but then it settled nicely inside me. I turned on the vibrator and let the tip dance over my clit. I was soon wet and moaning. The vibrator slid along my slit, no lube needed. I was dripping wet. When I pushed it inside, my pussy stretched and the vibrations made me moan loudly. As I began to fuck myself with it, I fantasied about a real big cock fucking me, making me scream with pleasure and then squirting its hot load either inside me, on my ass, or on my face; I didn’t care as long as I got that hot juice.

"Oh, oh, fuck!" My body reacted to the intense stimulation of the vibrations deep inside me while the anal plug doubled the pleasure. I came hard and fell to the mattress, the anal plug still in me. I lay there with a smile on my face. If Matt and Clara only knew they were not alone in having fun.



Clara and I met some friends from school at the mall and after drifting around for a while ended up in the food court with milkshakes. While Clara chatted away, I was daydreaming. We had only been dating for two weeks but it had quickly turned sexual. Clara was much hornier than she had let on and on the third date, she was sucking my dick in my room. It was the first time someone did it and I wasn’t sure what to expect. As I watched her bob her head up and down, I realized she looked nothing like the girls in the porn videos I sometimes watched. She held my cock with her thumb and index finger. Her lips where tight and her teeth scraped my shaft. I didn’t complain but I was happy when I finally came over her finger and thumb.

The first time I met Vanessa was a bit of a shock. Clara had invited me over for an afternoon by the pool. When I knocked on the door, Vanessa opened. She was an inch or so taller than I. Her large breasts were hardly contained in her bikini top and when she turned and led the way through the house my eyes were glued to her ass. She wore a thong bottom and she must have the tightest buns in town, I remembered thinking, nothing like the other women her age.

That she was open about my relationship with her daughter quickly showed when she suggested I stay the night after dinner. I called my parents and they said it was okay if we slept in different beds. When I mentioned this to Clara, she laughed.

"Oh, c’mon; I trust you two. Plus, I don’t want to wash a bed set if it’s not necessary."

All Clara and I did that night was to make out and she jerked me off after I had licked her pussy. She tried to blow me but I gently suggested I preferred a hand job.

The following morning, I woke up first and went down to the kitchen where Vanessa was reading the paper with a mug of coffee next to her. She wore a bathrobe and when she looked up it came apart a little, so I saw about half of her breasts.

"Oh, I’m sorry," she said and closed it. Too late - I had a hard-on and I knew she saw it through my shorts because she smiled at me.

Since that day there had been a tension between us. I knew that she knew that I wanted to fuck her. Every time we were around each other we stole glances and one day she had actually gently squeezed my cock when Clara went to the bathroom.

"I want you," she whispered while she did it.

"And I you," I said.


"Not sure, but I’m dying here, Vanessa."

She kissed my lips, her tongue found mine and as I heard Clara flush the toilet, we came apart. The taste of her lipstick lingered and I savored it as long as I could.

After finishing the milkshakes, I went with Clara to a women’s store where she bought a summer dress. It was pretty and showed off her shapely legs. I loved to kiss her inner thighs, her skin was so soft. I actually sneaked into the changing room with her and slid my hand inside her panties. Pushing her up against the wall I played with her clit until she was nice and juicy.

We kissed and she whispered. "Not here, let’s go home."

I slid a finger inside her and her pussy muscles squeezed it. "I want to fuck you so bad, baby."

"I know, but you know I want to wait."

"Shit," I said and moved away. Clara got dressed and before we got out, she took my hand and sucked on the finger that had just been inside her. "Mm, I taste good."

I laughed and hugged her.



Watching my mom and Matt, I knew something was going on between them. It was Friday night and Mom had invited Matt over for a BBQ in the backyard, there was nothing unusual about that; she had done it before but this night it felt different. First of all, she was dressed more provocatively than usual. She wore skin-tight pants and a top that ended above her navel. Not something a woman her age would wear but this was my mom and she often wore clothes more fitting for a woman half her age. I didn’t mind it, normally. She had a great body and had the right to show it off, but doing it in Matt’s face? That made me a bit uncomfortable.

She didn’t wear a bra; her boobs moved under the top and in Matt’s face as she served him more wine. That we were under-aged didn’t bother my mom at all. She herself had been introduced to wine-drinking at an early age and thought it was just fine. In Europe, where she had travelled extensively before meeting my dad, young people were expected to have a glass or two with their dinner.

She turned the steaks on the BBQ and I noted how Matt’s eyes were glued to her ass. It slowly dawned on me that they had something going on. At first, I was upset but then it made me laugh. The idea of Matt having sex with my mother was absurd. First of all, she was more than twice his age. Second, my mother had an appetite for sex that I didn’t think Matt could handle. When my dad was still alive I often heard them fuck at night. Mom was a loud woman, and demanding. Then after he passed away, I had heard her playing with herself. At first, I thought it was nasty but then realized she was just a woman with her needs, the same as mine. The difference was, my mom was not celibate; she was a real MILF and had hooked Matt.

At this point, I didn’t care that Clara saw me ogling Vanessa. My balls were aching from the need to fuck her. If Clara broke up with me, that was fine. I could handle it because I would have Vanessa, at least I hoped so. My dick was hard and it was uncomfortable. I kept on adjusting it and during one of those times, Vanessa turned around and saw me do it.

She glanced over at Clara. "Honey, your boyfriend has a hard-on."

There was a long silence. Vanessa must have realized what she had said was not okay because she blushed.

"Oh, god, I’m so sorry. It must be the wine."

No shit, I thought. We had already polished off two bottles and I had that nice warm fuzzy feeling.

"It’s okay, Mom. I have known for a while now that you have had something between you. I just wished you would have been honest with me."

I stared at Clara. "You knew?"

"Well, I wasn’t a hundred percent until now." She sipped from her glass.

"Oh, my sweet daughter, I’m so terribly sorry; you must hate me right now."

"Actually Mom, I don’t. I don’t hate you but I think you should be with someone your own age."

Vanessa put down the large fork she had used to turn the steaks and went over to Clara.

"I know, but it’s so hard to find a man in this town."

"So, you figured stealing my boyfriend was okay?"

"No, no of course not, I just couldn’t help it."

Clara got up. She looked at both of us in turn. "Fine, you can have him. I’m going to bed!"

"That didn’t go too well," I managed to say after a few seconds.

"No, it didn’t. I feel horrible."

"Me too."

She came over to me and knelt between my legs. She placed her hands on my thighs and looked me in the eye. "Here we are."

"Yes, we are." I was tense and didn’t know what to expect or do. After all, Clara had just dumped me and to be honest, I felt a bit shitty.

Her hands slid up and unbuttoned my shorts. When my hard cock popped out she breathed in and then looked at it.

The foreskin had slid back exposing the red cockhead. A small drop of pre-cum was forming on the tip. She took me in her hand and gently applied pressure at the base and then slowly pulled up. The drop grew and when it was to run down my shaft, she licked it up. Then she did the same movement a few more times and each time she would lick the drop away.

I could only stare at her. Clara had never done anything like that. I realized that Vanessa knew her shit. When she took my cockhead in her mouth and began to gently suck on it while her tongue found all the right places, I relaxed and closed my eyes. I was in heaven.



The sweet taste of Matt’s pre-cum was like nectar to a hummingbird. It was such a long time ago that I had tasted it and it was making me go crazy with lust. His cock was just the right size, bigger than average but not too big. Thick and long, it slid between my lips and down my throat. He was moaning now and it was music to my ears. I loved to pleasure a man; it turned me on even more.

"Oh fuck, you are driving me crazy with that. Clara never sucked my cock so well."

I let his cockhead rest in my mouth while I played with his balls. So, Clara had given him a blowjob. Good girl, I thought.

"She didn’t do it like me?" I asked.

Looking down at me he slowly shook his head. "Too much teeth and she only used two fingers."

I was stroking him slowly, letting my thumb slide over and around his cockhead. "Oh, that sucks; excuse the pun."

He laughed. "You are crazy."

I went back to sucking him for a few minutes, making sure he wasn’t about to come. As soon as I heard his breathing becoming faster, I stopped and stood up. Then slowly I undressed before him. His eyes were on me, taking in my firm breasts and the hard nipples. I played with them and he reached up. I pulled him up and then helped him undress.

Naked, we hugged and kissed. His hard cock pressed against my tummy while he suckled my boobs and squeezed my ass. It was nice to be close to a man again. His young soft skin was warm and felt good against mine.

I gently pushed him back into the chair and when he was sitting down, I straddled him.

"Wait!" he suddenly said.

"What’s wrong?"

"I..I..I’m a virgin but I know we should use protection."

"Oh, that is so sweet, Matt, but don’t worry. I’m on the pill."

Then I slid down, his cock penetrating me, stretching my pussy, making me gasp with pleasure. His face was like an angel’s, with a big grin on it.

"Like it?" I asked when he was all the way inside me.

"Fuck yes, this is amazing."

"What about this?" I made my pussy squeeze his cock a few times.

"Holy shit, how do you do that?"

I giggled like a school girl. "Pussy control, my dear, now let’s fuck."

I began to ride him at the same time as I gyrated my hips a little. His chest began to heave and his nails dug into my ass cheeks.

"I won’t be able to hold back much longer," he moaned into my boobs.

"That’s fine, baby. We have all night."

He was right; just half a minute later his cock began to throb inside me and his cum shot out, filling my pussy. As he did, I tilted my head back and above me, I saw Clara looking down at us from her window. She was smiling and gave me a thumbs-up.



It felt weird but at the same time exciting to watch my mother fuck Matt. Because that’s what had just happened - my mother fucked, she did not get fucked. The way she had gone from feeling sorry for me to gobbling on Matt’s cock told me that much. The way she had looked while sucking on him reminded me of a child with an ice cream. She looked so happy and when she rode him; the whites of her eyes had shown just after she had seen me.

I was naked and my right hand was drawn to my pussy. It was wet, very wet in fact. I gently flicked my finger over the clit, which was swollen and my legs buckled a little. What I had done was so wrong but it was such a turn on. I loved Matt so much I had willingly let my mother have his way with him but now, after seeing them fucking I wanted that cock in me. My previous conviction of remaining a virgin was gone, and it was a very strange feeling. Maybe it was the beauty of my mother riding him or the look on their faces but I wanted that experience too. Before I came, I stopped playing with myself and went downstairs and into the garden.

My mother was sitting on the garden table, her legs apart and she was looking down at Matt, who was licking her pussy. I could hear the slurps.

"Hi, mind if I join the fun?" I asked.

They turned to me and their jaws dropped. I laughed. "No, not like that, I meant I am ready to lose my virginity, with Matt."

"Oh, okay; shit, you scared me there for a moment," said Matt.

When I was by his side, I stroked his hair and gently nudged his head back to my mom’s wet and shaved pussy. He licked her swollen lips before moving on to her clit.

"Clara, honey, Matt told me that you don’t quite know how to suck cock."

I blushed. It wasn’t easy to hear my mom talk about my cock-sucking technique or lack of.

"Well, I have only done it a couple of times."

She pushed Matt away. "Let’s see how you do it."




There are many things a man will see in his life and one of them is not a mother teaching her daughter how to suck cock. But it was happening to me. I was sitting in the chair again. Clara knelt between my legs and Vanessa was next to her.

"Okay, show me," said Vanessa.

Clara took my cock between her thumb and index finger. Then her mouth slid over the cock head, lips hard, and I whined when her front teeth ran down the shaft.

"No, no, that’s all wrong, baby," Vanessa said with a sigh.

Clara stopped what she was doing and her mother took over. "Watch carefully. You use your entire hand to stroke the cock, and if you want you can spit on your palm first, like this."

Vanesa lubed her palm with her saliva and then took my cock again in her hand. "Then you lick the cock head."

I sighed as her soft tongue made circles around it. "Mm, that feels great."

"Then with your lips soft, you go down on him," Vanessa said and then went so far down her nose touched my tummy.

"Wow, Mom, that is amazing. Let me try."

I was a bit worried but when Clara's pink tongue began to dance on and over my cockhead I relaxed. Our eyes met and she smiled just before her lush lips slid over the head and all the way like her mom had done.

"Yes, just like that. Now move up and down while using your hand as well."

She did, and damned if it didn’t feel exactly like when Vanessa had done it. She was so good in fact, that my balls began to contract.

"Wait, hold on; I’m coming."

"That’s fine; she can swallow."

Vanessa held her daughter's head in place and when I shot my load Clara swallowed every drop of it. Vanessa let go of her and she came up for air.

"Wow, that shit is so hot and it’s so much of it." Her eyes were glazed over and she had a look in them that I had never seen before.

"I want you to fuck me, Matt; fuck me hard."

Vanessa clapped her hands. "Let’s go to my room; my bed is bigger than yours, Clara."



What was happening was surreal. I was in my bedroom with my daughter and her boyfriend. It was wrong to be there, but I was so excited for Clara I just had to help out any way I could.

She lay down on the bed and spread her legs wide. Playing with her boobs and gently pulling at her nipples she said, "I’m ready, Matt."

He got on the bed and between her legs. His cock was hard and the cockhead dark red. He moved so that the tip touched my daughter's swollen pussy lips.

"Okay, you will feel like you have met a wall; that’s fine, just push through it," I said.

Matt nodded and then gently pushed himself inside Clara. I could see her pussy stretch and then I looked away at her face. Her mouth was half open; her fingers dug into the sheets.

"Ow, ow, slowly, honey, slowly," she whispered.


"Oh, oh, it feels good, but it hurts a little."

From where I sat, I could see that Matt was about halfway inside her and she was doing well considering his size.



She was so tight and it was really hard to penetrate her, I thought, looking into Clara’s eyes. I felt the wall Vanessa had mentioned but with a short thrust, I broke through and Clara inhaled in a gasp.


"Yes, you made it; now fuck her slowly," Vanessa said.

Clara wrapped her legs around my legs and pulled me closer. We kissed deeply while I gently thrust in and out of her. She moaned and I whimpered in pleasure. Our bodies, so close, intertwined with each other. Her nails dug into my back and her pussy squeezed my cock.

"Guys, she is not on the pill; remember that," Vanessa warned.

Clara let go of my legs and spread her legs wide. I gave her a few more thrusts until my balls sent me signals it was time to withdraw.

"Come on my breasts, baby?" she asked me.

I pulled out and Vanessa was there with her lovely hand, jerking my cock until I shot my load all over Clara’s firm boobs.

After some rest, Clara rode me while I licked Vanessa's pussy while she hovered above my face. It was something out of this world. I later fucked Vanessa from behind and she even let me do her ass. It was a night of ecstasy and weirdness that I will never forget.



"Baby, I’m awake now," Clara slurred next to me.

"I can hear that, and so is your mom."

"If you don’t fuck me properly right now, I will never make you hamburgers again," said Vanessa and pulled me over her. My cock slid inside her and she wrapped her legs and arms around me, kissing me deeply.

"You go ahead and have a morning fuck. I need a shower to clear my head. But please, Mom, leave some cum for me. I need a healthy breakfast," Clara said and laughed.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: